As the winter holiday approaches, I am thinking of these lyrics from Hamilton the musical:
Take a break,
Run away with us for the summer
Let’s go upstate,
We can all go stay with my father
There’s a lake I know,
In a nearby park
You and I can go,
When the night gets dark.Take a break…
– Hamilton
Throughout the play, Hamilton struggles with working too hard. Ultimately, he skips the summer with his family. “I’ve got so much on my plate… I cannot join you upstate… I lose my job if we don’t get this plan through Congress…” But it’s tricky business, because Hamilton works hard his entire life. He never quite finds that right balance, arguably focusing too much on his legacy at the expense of his family.

On my end, things are winding down for the holidays, and I’m getting reflective. I’m working on my Letter from Dad, tying up loose ends, and trying to spend more time with my wife and kids.
That’s my long way of saying: I’m taking a break from posting here until 2019. But there is so much more to come next year!
Take care, be happy, and keep in touch. I’ll leave you with this final quote from Hamilton in gratitude of how lucky we all are. Happy Holidays!
Look around, look around at how lucky we are
– Hamilton
To be alive right now
Look around, look around…
We don’t need a legacy
We don’t need money
If I could grant you peace of mind
If you could let me inside your heart…
So long as you come home at the end of the day,
That would be enough
Wow. Love these quotes from Hamilton but love you more.
Merry Christmas!